Wednesday, August 3, 2016

blah blah blah

A growing acceptance of one's mortality can really give one's life meaning. I think this is a positive thing. I begin to appreciate more once I become aware of its impermanence. I think I have a long way to go but eh, we don't get to choose our time ;) I mean I'd rather not :p

I think there's a great example of this laced throughout the 10 Doctor's storyline, with River Song (Dr. Who reference, sorry to those who don't partake). Her experience of him was reminiscent of Clare Abshire in The Time Traveler's Wife - disjointed, and often not knowing where each event was placed on the timeline between beginning and end. Until she knew. That is a lot to process. How to be at peace with knowing how it ends long before it does... But yeah, if you know how the story is supposed to end, I guess at least you can prepare mentally and in other ways.

Anyway. Questions? Comments? Witticisms?